Entel Two-Way Transceiver Radio

In this product group, Entel includes an industrial two-way transceiver radio for professional use. The devices are available in VHF and UHF band ranges. While the former has a maximum RF power of 5W, the latter has 4W. As industrial two-way radios are radio licensed products, they must be reported to the local communication authority. We can give you all the help you need to get a radio license or even take over the administration for you in Hungary. When purchasing devices, we, as the distributor, must program them for the frequencies and parameters for which your radio license is issued. The Entel professional two-way radio can be used in simplex mode or in half-duplex mode using a repeater. Entel two-way radio devices are available in digital version in TDMA mode or in analog. The general feature of the devices is the industrial, durable design. Accordingly, they also meet IP dust and water resistance as well as MIL military durability standards.
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• 256 position channel selector
• IP68 2 metres for 4 hours
• MIL STD 810 C/D/E/F/G
• Dimensions 97mm(h) x 59.5mm(w) x 37mm(d) with CNB450E
• Weight 267g with CNB450Ebattery
• Duty cycle with CNB450E 2000mAh battery 17h digital, 11h analogue
• Lithium-Ion battery technology
• Lockable accessory connector
• Lone-Worker, Man-Down (optional) and Emergency Button
• Voice annunciation
• Standard Package: CNB450E 2000mAh Lithium-Ion battery pack;CSAHX single pod rapid mains charger; Spring loaded rear clip; High efficiency antenna; Quick start user guide

Gross price (including 27% VAT): 364.69€ (Net price: 287.16€)
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