Multicom Data Transmission Radio

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• Supply voltage: 8-18VDC
• Current consumption: 150mA
• Symmetrical and asymmetrical inputs and outputs
• Symmetrical speaker output
• Receive input signal on optoisolated input
• Transmit trigger output with potential-free signal clamp contact
• Ethernet connection: RJ45 connector
• 4 outputs (open collector) and 4 digital inputs (active to GND)
• 160x100x25mm extruded aluminium housing
• Programming via USB port using terminal program (9600Baud)
• The MCROIP-01 interface allows remote management of a VHF transceiver over a local or global (Internet) network. This allows the integration of older radios into an IP network. In addition to the audio channel and the usual radio control signals (PTT, SQ), the unit also transmits the status of 4 digital inputs and 4 digital outputs.

Gross price (including 27% VAT): 637.59€ (Net price: 502.04€)
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