Mini UHF Connector (50 Ohm)

Mini UHF male and mini UHF female connectors in crimped, mounted or soldered versions. Our 50 ohm connectors are available for many cable types, such as RG-174, RG-58, H-155, H-500, H-1000 and other RF cables. Can't find the type of connector you're looking for on our site? Let us know and ask for an offer!
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• Band: HF or VHF and UHF
• Isulation: Teflon
• Cable: RG-174, RG-316
• Mounting Type: Crimp
• J01046F0003

Gross price (including 27% VAT): 4.75€ (Net price: 3.74€)

• Band: HF or VHF
• Isulation: Teflon
• Cable Type: RG-58
• Mounting Type: Crimp

Gross price (including 27% VAT): 2.43€ (Net price: 1.91€)

• Band: HF or VHF
• Isulation: Teflon
• Cable Type: RG-58
• Mounting Type: Crimp

Gross price (including 27% VAT): 1.11€ (Net price: 0.87€)

• Band: HF or VHF and UHF
• Isulation: Teflon
• Cable Type: RG-58
• Mounting Type: Crimp
• J01045F0000

Gross price (including 27% VAT): 5.37€ (Net price: 4.23€)

• Band: HF or VHF and UHF
• Isulation: Teflon
• Cable Type: RG-58 or Aircell 5
• Mounting Type: Crimp
• J01045A0002

Gross price (including 27% VAT): 7.69€ (Net price: 6.05€)

• Band: HF or VHF
• Isulation: Teflon
• Cable Type: H-155 or RF-240
• Mounting Type: Crimp

Gross price (including 27% VAT): 2.92€ (Net price: 2.30€)
6 products in total, page 1: 1 - 6 / 61