Midland Handheld Amateur (Ham) Transceiver Radio

Midland Amateur handheld radio offers VHF, UHF and VHF / UHF dual band radios. Depending on the model, the devices have variable RF output power, storable channel memory, CTCSS and DCS code management and VOX functions. The hand-held radios have a detachable antenna, so you can choose from a range of hand-held radio antennas with different features. Devices typically come with a Li-ion battery with a quick charger as standard. The displays on Midland handheld amateur radios vary in size depending on the type, but they always provide feedback on the basic operation of the radio.
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• VHF: 144-146 MHz / UHF: 430-440 MHz
• Adjustable output power: (Hi: 5W / Low: 1W)
• Up to 128 memory channels
• FM Radio (88-108MHz)
• Large color display with backlight
• Li-Ion battery pack 1500 mAh
• 50 CTCSS tones and 208 DCS codes
• Frequency step: 2.5/5/6.25/10/12.5/25KHz
• 2pin Kenwood accessory jack
• SMA female antenna connector

Gross price (including 27% VAT): 81.04€ (Net price: 63.81€)
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